



    毕业论文关键词: 休闲游戏;优美缔游戏开发引擎;太空射击

    Leisure tour game production

    Abstract: With the development of society and economy, the popularity of terminal equipment such as computers, smart phones, people's leisure time entertainment into more and more is also high. These are the games has a vast market and users. At the same time, its cheap and persity makes video games has universality and irreplaceability. 

    This topic is mainly to develop a space shooter leisure game. Through the keyboard control fighter moving around and mouse the left key control fighter fired bullets in meteorites and destruction of enemy planes. After in meteorites and destruction of enemy planes can score points, and win after finally to destroy the enemy base.

    This article first elaborated the research meaning and purpose of this topic, and then analyzes the methods and means used by the research of this topic as well as the technical route, the introduction of the development environment and running environment. Then introduces the game development engine Unity3D advantage and development in the field of game development. Finally introduced the overall design and function module of game, and complete the summary of this topic and appreciation.

    Keywords: leisure tour game;Unity3D;TK shooter


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 休闲游戏概述 1

    1.2 课题目的和意义 1

    1.3 国内外研究现状及水平 2

    1.4 论文的组织结构 2

    2 课题研究主要内容 3

    2.1 研究方法和手段 3

    2.2 开发环境 3

    2.3 运行环境 3

    2.4 UNITY3D简介 3

    2.5 UNITY发展史 4

    2.6 UNITY编辑器介绍 4

    2.7 UNITY基本概念 5

    3 游戏设计 7

    3.1 游戏创意 7

    3.2 游戏框架设计 7

    3.3 游戏层次设计 7

    4 游戏实现 9

    4.1 场景模型导入 9

    4.2 新建场景 9

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