

    毕业论文关键词:  C#,情报板发布系统

    C # based Parking space information release system

    Abstract:    With the constant growth of urban vehicles,a variety of traffic problems continue to emerge .The parking problem has become in today's society, one of the main issues and waste the accumulated time enough to become a "waste". Personally, the rapid pace of modern urban life, in his busy schedule, still have to waste time to find a parking space, which really caused no small impact on life. In the country and even the world, the cumulative impact of these times a country's pattern, and even the whole process of the times. Therefore, it is imperative to alleviate the problem of parking spaces. This topic mainly uses the C# language environment, to build a parking space information board release system. 

    Key Words:  C#;Parking space information release system

    目 录

    摘要 i

    Abstract i


    1 引言 1

    2 系统开发技术介绍 2

    2.1 C#.NET技术 2

    2.2 SQL SERVER技术 3

    2.3 地磁传感器技术 5

    3 系统开发环境与实现目标 6

    3.1 系统开发环境 6

    3.2 系统实现目标 6

    3.3 系统组成 6

    3.3.1 数据采集层功能 7

    3.3.2 数据处理层功能 7

    3.3.3 数据采集层功能 7

    4 系统数据库设计 7

    4.1 数据库需求分析 7

    4.2 数据库概要说明 8

    4.3 数据库概念结构设计 8

    4.4 数据表设计 9

    5 系统总体设计 10

    5.1 系统架构设计 10

    5.2 系统流程图 10

    5.3 系统功能分析 11

    5.3.1 用户 11

    5.3.2 系统功能模块结构图 12

    6 系统详细设计 15

    6.1 配置模块 15

    6.1.1 模块功能描述 15

    6.1.2 输入/输出项 15

    6.1.3 算法描述 16

    6.2 日程编辑模块设计 16

    6.2.1 文件模块设计 16

    6.2.2 模块功能 16

    6.2.3 输入/输出项

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