

    毕业论文关键词: Flash;游戏;点球世界杯;ActionScript

    The Designing of The World Cup on penalties Flash Game


    In this paper, in the first part mainly analyzes the Flash game purpose and significance, status quo and development trend at home and abroad and research and focus on the difficulty of the game, and so on. In the second part illustrates the causes and gaming the production process, and demonstrated the basic steps: penalty World Cup game design game process design, character design, scene design, animation design, animation and music coordination, etc. Especially for the Flash of the production process has carried on the detailed introduction and description, including "instance", "key", "end effect" and "steps" part, also introduced a number of images in the process of description to explain to help understand. Finally also write to the author encountered problems in production and the solution method, help readers more targeted and more comprehensive learning this instance.

    Keywords: Flash; Game; The World Cup on penalties; ActionScript


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 FLASH游戏的背景和发展 1

    1.1.1 Flash游戏的背景 2

    1.1.2 Flash游戏的发展 2

    1.2 FLASH游戏的特点 3

    2 分析 5

    2.1 FLASH游戏的现状 5

    2.2 体育类游戏的研究 9

    2.3 点球世界杯游戏的重点 10

    2.4 点球世界杯游戏的难点 10

    3 游戏设计及制作 13

    3.1 游戏设计及规划 13

    3.1.1 游戏策划 14

    3.1.2 素材风格制定 16

    3.2 素材制作 16

    3.2.1 绘图软件的运用 17

    3.2.2 手绘板的作用 17

    3.3 游戏制作 18

    3.3.1 开场动画 18

    3.3.2 主界面 18

    3.3.3 点球世界杯的制作过程 19

    3.4 音乐及最后的审核 32

    4 结论 35

    4.1 游戏的完成情况 35

    4.2 扩展计划和后续开发设想

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