
    摘要:房屋租售管理系统统是利用JAVA语言编写的,并采用Myeclipse10.6开发工具编写而成的。其后台数据库采用Mysql数据库进行支持,界面美化是利用Adobe PhotoshopCS6图片处理软件进行处理的。并且不同的身份的用户具有不同的权限。本论文主要是根据用户对房屋租售管理系统统系统的需求,分析写出的系统设计文档,本文档作为开发房屋租售管理系统统的依据。47958


    毕业论文  关键词:用户管理,房屋管理,合同管理,押金管理,租金管理

    The design and development of BS housing rental management system based on

    Abstract:rental housing management system is the use of Java language, and the Myeclipse10.6 development tools written in. The backstage database uses the Mysql database support, to beautify the interface is to use Adobe PhotoshopCS6 image processing software for processing. This system from the user point of view, friendly and beautiful interface, human-computer interaction is flexible and convenient, fast, safe and reliable, the system also has great scalability. The system consists of login module, registration module, user management, housing management, contract management, deposit management, rental management, role management, system management module and etc.. Each module can increase, delete and modify, query and other related operations. In order to ensure the safety of the system, in the design of user login system, the user must enter the correct number and password to enter the system, and different users have different permissions. This thesis is mainly according to the needs of users of the housing rental management system system, an analysis of the write system design documents, the document as a housing development rental management system based on.

    In this paper, the design and development of the whole system are introduced in detail. First introduced the housing rental management system management system development background and technical background, and then introduce the system's overall design and concrete realization of function module, module includes: the login module, register module, user management, housing management, contract management, deposit management, rental management, role management and system management module module. At the end of the paper, the test results, the performance analysis and the deficiency of the system are described.

      Key words:User management;Housing management;Contract management;Deposit management;Rent management

    目    录


     引言 6

    1 绪论 6

      1.1 本系统开发的意义 6

      1.2 课题的开发目标 6

      1.3 论文结构 7

    2 设计技术与开发环境 7

      2.1 JSP 8

      2.2 SERVLET 9

      2.3 JDBC 10

      2.4 JQUERY 10

      2.5 JAVABEAN 10

      2.6 MVC 11

      2.7 B/S 模式分析

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