
    摘要: 如今的社会时代是一个典型的信息化时代,互联网技术几乎覆盖了整个企业的运作,大多数企业的管理越来越高标准,然而高标准的管理期望却被庞大的人口基数所限制,传统的人工考勤管理的弊端越来越明显,它不仅消耗人力、成本高,而且效率低又易出错,每个企业都需要考勤来维持公司的正常运作,考勤管理是作为人事管理参考的一个重要指标,它的重要性预示着传统的打卡机已经慢慢开始被企业淘汰,高效率的考勤系统正在被现代企业逐步重视。考勤管理系统是作为记录公司员工出勤情况的优劣、出差、请假等考勤记录的管理系统。48685


    本文描述了一个基于.net的企业考勤管理系统的开发过程,依据面向对象设计的开发思想,选用客户端/服务器(C/S)模式搭建,并使用 .NET 及相关的SQL server数据库系统等技术,构建了一个动态的交互式小型企业考勤管理系统。本系统最大的特点是使用操作简单、友好的提示信息,具有较强的安全性,避免用户的恶意操作。 本文首先对课题研究的背景、国内外研究现状以及实现所需的相关技术进行了介绍。然后针对本系统的相关需求进行了阐述,接着详细介绍说明了本系统的数据库设计、系统设计等,最后对系统实现效果进行了展示。



    Design and Implementation of Enterprise Attendance System

    Abstract: Today's society is a typical age of the information age, the Internet technology covering almost the entire operation of the enterprise, the management of most enterprises increasingly high standards, high standards of management expectations but was limited by the huge population base, the traditional artificial attendance management more and more obvious drawbacks, it is not only the consumption of manpower, high cost and inefficient and error-prone, time and attendance every business needs to maintain the normal operation of the company, attendance management personnel management as an important indicator of reference, it indicates the importance of the traditional punch card machine has slowly begun to be out of business, efficient modern enterprise time and attendance system is being gradually attention. Attendance Management System is used as a recording employee attendance pros and cons, travel, leave and attendance records and other management systems.

    Thus, the application of computers to design a time and attendance system, employees attendance management, it is imperative that it has a tradition of doing attendance statistics incomparable advantages, it is easy to manage, statistics fast and convenient to use, data accuracy Higher various advantages can make the personnel management of enterprises tend to formalize technical and accurate of.

    This paper describes a development process based on the. Net enterprise attendance management system, according to the design object oriented development, choose client / server (C / s) model to build, and use. Net and the SQL Server database system technology, constructed a dynamic interactive small enterprise attendance management system. The biggest feature of the system is the use of simple, friendly tips, with a strong security, to avoid the user's malicious actions. At first, this paper introduces the background of the subject, research status at home and abroad as well as the relevant technology to achieve the required. Then, according to the relevant requirements of the system, the database design and system design of the system are described in detail, and the effect of the system is demonstrated. 

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  2. 下一篇:asp.net《离散数学》试题管理系统设计
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