

    本人的这套管理系统是运用ASP.NET(Visual Studio.Net 平台)技术来实现的。主要功能由用户权限的不同最多包含:用户管理,科目信息管理,试卷状态查询及成绩表下载,试题管理。


     Discrete mathematics Examination Management 

    Abstract: With the development of China's supersonic computer and hardware technology, coupled with the PC and the network of universal access and wide application of the ordinary way to preserve the normal questions have been unable to meet today's requirements, so the research and development of a simple and practical and questions and management system with innovative  imminently, this topic first accurate and delicate questions management system analyzes the real needs of university teaching in the moment, then "discrete Mathematics" curriculum of this profession as a background, to design and implement a test database management topics and other functions, the data dictionary design and structural design and implementation of each of the major functional blocks of the system to be involved in a more detailed description. This system can accurately locate the questions from the background to add to and organize into a different type, the difficulty of papers, rationality and high availability. Algorithm it uses is automatically generated questions algorithm recording a set of values has a characteristic, and in accordance with the distribution of the type of administrator of the questions subject, topic, difficulty level and other conditions, by means of a system-supplied data file so that specific course of dynamic data into a set of logical and abstract with protective gear, to solve the general problem questions of management, and planning out a complete pision and constraint Satisfaction papers.

    My management system using ASP.NET (Visual Studio.Net platform) technology to achieve. The main function of the different user rights with up to: user management, account management information, status inquiries papers and transcripts download, test management.

    Keyword:The database structure;Test question management; Discrete mathematics

    目  录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景 1

    1.2  课题的研究意义 2

    1.3  课题的主要研究内容 3

    2  系统可行性及需求分析 4

    2.1 系统的可行性分析

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