

    毕业论文关键词  视觉显著性  图像显著性区域检测  光场   Focusness


    Title          Saliency Detection on Light Field                                                               


    Visual saliency detection has been a problem in the field of computer vision. Its purpose is to find the pixels or regions which attractive human visual attention of the image . This paper explores the problem of using light fields as input for saliency detection.And it also analysis the availability of commercial plenoptic cameras that capture the light field of a scene in a single shot and the light field database obtains by the commercial plenoptic camera.I further develop a new saliency detection algorithm tailored for light fields.The method using optical field as input,and it calculation the Focusness regions by DOG.Then compute a foreground likelihood score (FLS) and a background likelihood score (BLS) by measuring the focusness of pixels/regions. We select the layer with the highest BLS as the background and use it to estimate the background regions. In addition, we choose regions with a high FLS as candidate salient objects. Finally, we conduct contrast-based saliency detection on the all-focus image and combine its estimation with the detected foreground saliency candidates.For validation, we acquire a light field database of a range of indoor and outdoor scenes and generate the ground truth saliency map. And compare with other saliency detection algorithms  on the database .Experiments show that our saliency detection scheme can robustly handle challenging scenarios such as similar foreground and background, cluttered background, and images with multiple depth layers and with heavy occlusions, etc., and achieve high accuracy and robustness.

    Keywords  Visual saliency   Salient region detection   Light field   Focusness

    目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 视觉显著性检测研究及其意义 1

    1.2 视觉显著性检测国内外研究现状  2

    1.3 基于光场的显著性检测及其意义  3

    2 光场图像的处理 6

    2.1  焦点图像和全聚焦图像  6

    2.2  Focusness测量  8

    2.3  背景的选择  9

    2.4  前景的选择  11

    3  基于颜色对比度的显著图 14

    4  最终显著图的生成 16

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