
    摘要: 当今,随着信息管理化时代的发展,学校的发展规模也越来越大,学校的仪器设备不断增加,如何管理好这些不断增加的设备也就显得更加重要。实验室管理系统在学校的信息化教学中起到了很大的作用,它的功能可以将基础设备仪器管理得合理规范。它的优点:提升了工作效率,降低损耗和维修所需的费用等,这一切都符合学校的利益。所以,实现实验室管理系统是学校信息化建设中重要的一步。



    系统开发工具选择JAVA、JSP、JavaScript,后台数据库选用SQL Server 2005。

    毕业论文关键词: 管理信息化;实验室管理系统;JSP;JAVA;SQL Server 2005数据库

    The design and implementation of Laboratory management system

    Abstract: Now,with the development of information management era, the scale of the school is more and more big,also the increasing equipment of the school become faster and faster,it is very important to manage the increasing number of the equipment.In information technology teaching in school,the laboratory management system has a big effect,the function of it can manage the instrument.The advantages of it:improve the working efficiency,reduce the loss ,this all conform to the interests of the school.so,laboratory management system is an important step of  the school information construction.

    The paper make many analysis system requirements at first ,then,pide the function modules of the system,after,design the modules and test the system,finally realize the system.

    The design process include the flow chart of the system,system function diagram.The paper of system is pided into six parts the introduction,overviews of relevant technology,analysis system overall,system design details about,system operation and test,summary and outlook.

    The main function of laboratory management system:password change,teachers management,equipment management,schedule management.The development tools are JAVA,JSP,JavaScript,the database choose SQL Server 2005.

    Keywords:Management information;Laboratory management system;JSP;JAVA;SQL Server 2005

    目  录

    第1章  绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究的目的与意义 1

    1.2课题研究现状 1

    1.3 课题研究的主要内容 2

    第2章  相关技术概论 3

    2.1 JSP脚本技术 3

    2.1.1 Jsp概述 3

    2.2 JAVA技术 3

    2.3 数据库技术 3

    第3章  系统总体分析 5

    3.1 系统可行性分析 5

    3.1.1  技术可行性 5

    3.1.2  经济可行性 5

    3.2 系统流程图 5

    3.2.1  系统流程图 5

    3.2.2  系统功能图 6

    3.3 系统功能 7

    第4章  系统设计

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