
    摘要: 在现代化的教育技术模式下,为提高学校的教育管理计算机网上管理系统进入了大家的眼帘。如何更有效进行在线作业管理便成了我们需要研究的一个新的课题。随着国内外学士的研究和设计,在线作业管理系统已经非常的完善,解放了人力,这给传统的教学方式带来了重大的革命。49288


        通过对对程序的初步分析,选择了以下开发工具:Java语言、JSP和Html语言。本次毕业设计选择的数据库是SQL Server 2005。通过不懈的努力,在线作业管理系统已经能够实现它的基本功能。

    毕业论文关键词: 在线作业管理系统的设计与实现;JSP;JAVA;SQL Server 2005数据库; 

     Design and Implementation 0f Online Job Management System

    Abstract: With more and more modern education technology mode, teachers want to improve the level of school education management. And then, computer online management system comes into everyone's eyes. How to carry on the online job management more and more effectively became a new topic which we need to research. With bachelor's research and design at home and abroad, the online job management system has been very perfect. Not only the liberation of human it brought, but also a big revolution to the traditional way of teaching. 

         This graduation design main functions including: 1、the management modules: Administrators can log in to manage the teachers and students. Divided into two parts: (1)the teacher to add, modify, delete, lectures, and other functions, (2) students to add, modify, delete, search, etc.  2、the teacher modules: Teachers can log in to the student management and operation management. Here pided into two parts: (1) students can add, modify, delete, and so on; (2) the job management, teachers can carry on the work of their classmates release, corrects, scoring etc. (3) students modules: students can login to view and submitted for homework. The graduation design of the main features : (1) the administrator can operating system easily, and the management of students are very simple (2) there are so many the drop-down list box used in students submit assignments section ,which simplified the process of students to submit a job. 

         Through reviewing the preliminary analysis, i chose the following development tools: Java language, JSP and Html language. This graduation design selected the database called SQL Server 2005. Through unremitting efforts, the online job management system has been able to realize the basic function of it.

    Keywords: Design and implementation of online job management system; JSP; JAVA; Server SQL 2005 database; B/S model.

    目  录

    第1章 论绪 7

    1.1 问题分析 7

    1.2 系统现状 7

    1.3 方案选择 8

    1. 4本章小结 8

    第2章 系统分析

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