

    本系统采用VB6.0开发平台进行开发,开发工具采用Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0集成开发环境,后台编程语言采用VB6.0编程语言来进行编程开发,数据库我们采用当下流行的Access 2003数据库管理系统来存放平台中的数据信息,整个系都采用了C/S架构来进行开发,这样能把平台架构到一个服务上面。互联网上的用户也可以享受到完整的服务。

    关键词:酒店管理;visual basic6.0;数据库;Access 2003

    Hotel management system 


    With the pace of reform quickening and opening up, China's service industry has achieved great development. Hotel system is, however, in the process of reform and opening up in China started the earliest yields the most obvious, one of the high degree of marketization of the service industry. And with the development of information technology, the traditional management mode is gradually replaced by informatization and digital management mode, how to apply the advanced management means, come on hotel management level, this is the top priority of the hotel industry, in the face of the opportunities and challenges of the information age, application of science and technology means to improve the level of enterprise management is an effective way. Guest room management system development made full use of information technology, improve the management level of the hotel guest room, the service level.

    The system uses vb6.0 platform development, development tools using Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 integrated development environment, programming language of the background by vb6.0 programming language for programming, database we used current popular Access2003 database management system to store data information platform, the whole system using C / S architecture development. Only in this way can the platform architecture to a service to provide the complete services to users on the Internet.

    Keywords: hotel management;visual basic6.0;database;Access 2003


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    1 绪论 5

    1.1 宾馆管理系统的背景 5

    1.2 国内外酒店管理系统的研究现状 5

    1.3 酒店管理系统的选题意义 6

    2 开发环境介绍 8

    2.1 开发平台和技术简介 8

    2.1.1  VISUAL BASIC 6.0简介 8

    2.1.2  Visual Basic 6.0 基本概念介绍 10

    2.1.3  ADO技术简介 11


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