
    摘要:计算机的飞速发展给越来越多的行业带来方便和管理效率,越来越多的行业采用计算机来进行信息的管理,企业人事资源管理系统就是在这样的大背景下逐渐发展起来的。一些利用纯手工记录的管理模式已经不能够满足企业的需求,这也就开始要求程序员们通过电脑来开发一些人事资源管理系统,当然核心是工资核算。另外依据的标准就是员工们每一季度的绩效考核成绩,从而建立起多种数据模型,最终达到所需求的人事资源管理的开发目的。首先,企业人事资源管理系统要包括以下几个方面:前台界面管理、用户管理、员工信息管理、薪资管理、考勤管理 ,奖惩管理、劳动合同管理、组织机构管理等。 基本要求:设计严谨、功能完备;页面设计简洁美观、使用方便;性能良好,安全可靠; 扩充性强、易于维护。实现基于WEB的信息录入、接收、浏览、查询和维护等功能。每种用户会面对不同的功能模块。开发工具推荐使用C#,ASP,Dreamweaver,SQLserver2008等。企业人事资源管理系统采用Microsoft Visual Studio 2010为开发背景来进行程序的界面开发,另外采用B/S架构来开发程序的框架,后台编程语言采用面向对象的编程语言C#编程语言来进行编程,同时把平台所有的数据信息保存到SQL 2008数据库系统中。49721

    毕业论文关键词:基于.net的企业人事资源管理系统;人事管理;数据库SQL 2008

    .NET-Based enterprise resource personnel management system

    Abstract: The rapid development of the computer industry to bring more convenience and efficiency of management, more and more industries using computers to manage information, enterprise personnel resources management system is in this context developed gradually. Traditional manual records management mode can not meet the needs of enterprises, the requirements through the development of personnel resources management system to the payroll at the core. To employee performance appraisal as the basis to establish multiple data models supporting the completion of the development of personnel resources management. Personnel resources management includes the following aspects: user management, employee information management, payroll management, attendance management, incentive management, labor contract management, organizational management. Basic requirements: rigorous design, fully functional; page design simple and beautiful, easy to use; good performance, safe and reliable; scalable, easy to maintain. WEB-based information entry, receiving, browse, query and maintenance functions. Each user will be faced with different functional modules. Development Tools recommended C ++, ASP, Dreamweaver, SQLserver2008 and so on. Personnel resource management system with an integrated development environment for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 interfacial program development framework program using B / S architecture development background programming language, object-oriented programming language C # programming language for programming, while the platform for all save the data to SQL 2008 database system 

    Keywords: .net-Based enterprise resource personnel management system; personnel management; database SQL2008

    目    录

    目    录 III

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.3 论文结构 1

    2 相关的理论和技术 3

    2.1 ASP.NET简介 3


    2.3 B/S架构介绍

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