
    摘要: 依照目前的手机系统发展趋势来看,Android系统已经占据市场的一大块,拥有十分可观的前景。因此基于Android系统开发的系列应用也将有众多安身之地。 本文设计开发的通用框架APP就是一款基于Android平台开发的,分为客户端和后台管理两部分。客户端基于Android SDK+ADT开发,后台管理采用JSP技术设计,开发语言采用JAVA语言设计,数据库采用MySQL数据库进行设计。客户端主要实现的功能包括:资讯、分类信息、我的发布等功能,实现用户浏览商品和购买的意愿;后台管理主要实现的功能包括:分类信息管理、新闻管理、系统管理等模块,为客户端的数据提供准备。最后经过测试,发现本文设计的通用框架软件可作为App通用框架使用,达到了设计目的。49716


    Design and Development of App General Framework Based on Android platform

    Abstract:According to the current development trend of mobile phone system, the Android system has occupied a large piece of the market, has a very good prospect. The application of Android system based on the development of the series will also have many shelter. The design and development of the general framework of app is a based on the Android platform, consists of two parts: client and background management. Client based on SDK+ADT Android development, background management using JSP technology design, development language using JAVA language design, database using MySQL database design. Client to achieve the main function includes: information, classified information, I release function, users can browse the commodity and the willingness to buy; background management mainly realizes the functions including: classification of information management, news management, system management module, the client's data to. Finally, through the test, we found that the general framework of this paper can be used as a general framework for App, and it has achieved the design goal.

    Keywords:General framework; Android; design


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1 绪 论 1

    2 相关技术介绍 2

    2.1 Android 2

    2.1.1 Android架构 2

    2.1.2 Android组件 3

    2.1.3 Android生命周期管理 5

    2.2 Java语言 6

    2.3 MySQL 6

    2.4 C/S开发模式 7

    2.5 与课题相关的Android应用技术 8

    2.5.1 Android用户界面设计技术 8

    2.5.2 XML解析技术简介 10

    3 系统需求分析 12

    3.1 开发环境 12

    3.2 可行性分析 12

    3.3 系统功能需求 13

    4 系统总体设计 15

    4.1 系统模块总体设计 15

    4.2 处理流程设计 16

    4.2.1 系统操作流程 16

    4.2.2 数据增加流程 17

    4.2.3 数据修改流程 18

    4.2.4 数据删除流程 19

    4.3 数据库设计

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