


    Design and Implementation of Online Meal Ordering System

    Abstract: With the accelerated space of life, people's way of eating also has the new requirements, the popularity of the Internet led to a new dining trend of network ordering. In order to solve the problem of the students in the traditional way of eating meals on time is short and the expensive price of meals, this paper designed an online ordering system. Through the Appserv development environment, the system is built based on B / S mode, and the database uses mysql. The front display pages using PHP technology development. It realized the function of browsing user management, food classification and ordering management, dishes, issued a message, dishes assessment, website announcement. The system relates restaurant dishes and customer and lets the customer order online directly, which greatly increases the choice of daily food and beverage in the university, and it has a strong practical value. 

    Key Words: Online meal ordering; MySQL; PHP

     目    录

    摘  要 1

    引言 1

    1.系统开发概述 2

    1.1系统开发的背景及意义 2

    1.2系统的发展与现状 2

    2.系统开发技术介绍 3

    2.1开发语言---HTML 4

    2.2开发语言---Javascript 4

    2.3开发语言---PHP 5

    2.4前端开发框架---Bootstrap 5

    3.系统开发需求分析 5

    3.1可行性分析 5

    3.2性能需求分析 6

    4.系统开发功能设计 7

    4.1系统模块摘要 7

    4.2系统模块设计图 8

    4.3系统模块功能介绍 10

    5.数据库设计 10

    5.1数据库需求分析 10

    5.2数据库表结构的设计 11

    6.系统详细界面的设计与实现 13

    6.1系统前台界面设计 13

    6.2系统后台管理界面的设计 16

    7.系统测试与案例分析 16

    7.1系统测试的重要性与测试目的 16

    7.2系统测试的步骤 17

    8.总结 18

    参考文献 19

    致谢 20


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