


    毕业论文关键词:二手车网站  JSP  网上交易  

     Design and Implementation of the Used Car Website


    Under the effect of the trend of online transactions, the used car websites has come to people's view. The used car websites not just make people can achieve a lot of used car information,also push on the used car online trading.

    The front desk of this system mainly uses the JSP dynamic homepage technology as the development language, the development environment is MyEclipse8.6, developed a used car website which is based on the B/S WEB construction . This system is pided into a total of foreground user and administrator user these two user types.And the primary function consist of: the used car information management, members of the website management, the order management,the brand management of user car,the sales statistics management and the message board management which is convenient for users to exchange messages. One of the advantage is it's easier than other systems for people to learn how to control it.

    Key  Words: Used car  Website  JSP  Online trading  

    目  录






    第1 章 绪论 1

    1.1课题背景 1

    1.2目的和意义 1

    1.3开发工具 1

    1.4文本研究内容概述 2

    第2章 可行性研究 3

    2.1技术可行性 3

    2.2经济可行性 3

    2.3法律可行性 3

    2.4操作可行性 3

    第3章 需求分析 4

    3.1功能模块概述 4

    3.2用户用例图 4

    3.3 功能模块需求分析 6

    3.4 数据字典 7

    3.5 数据流图 9

    3.6 设计的基本思想 10

    第4章 数据库设计 11

    4.1 数据库的分析与设计 11

    4.2 数据库的逻辑结构设计 13

    4.3 数据库连接原理 15

    第5章 系统功能实现 16

    5.1 前台运行结果 16

    5.2 后台运行结果 21

    第6章 关键代码 26

    6.1系统安全性 26


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