

    毕业论文关键词:数据库,作业提交与批改,B/S,ASP.NET,SQL server 2008 

    Abstract: The system discussed in the VS2010+SQL2008 environment, the system uses the B/S structure, using ASP.NET as development language, realize the homework submission and correction system design and development. According to the features of narrative design, first introduced the development background, the significance as well as the system development tool, and gives the system development environment. Secondly, according to the system demand analysis, function module and the design to determine the mode of the system, and gives the design of database. Then the paper describes the process of system function module, the administrator, teachers, students three module, the administrator is responsible for the management of teachers, students management and authentication, management course; teachers are responsible for issuing the work, correcting homework, performance management, the reply message; students responsible for the selection of curriculum, view the job, upload and download job, view the results, released a message. And the main code described in detail, and presents the database operation. Finally introduces the necessity and process of the system test, and the test results are given.

    Keywords: Database,homework submission and correction,B/S ,ASP.NET,SQL server 2008

     目   录

    1 引言 4

    1.1项目背景 4

    1.2研究意义 4

    1.3相关技术 4

    1.4系统开发环境 5

    2 系统的总体设计 6

    2.1需求分析与系统功能模块 6

    2.2系统全局E-R图设计 7

    2.3数据库设计 10

    3 系统的实现 13

    3.1登录页面 13

    3.2管理员主要功能 16

    3.3教师主要功能 24

    3.4学生主要功能 35

    3.5数据库操作 43

    4软件测试 48

    4.1软件测试的必要性 48

    4.2软件测试的过程 48

    4.3测试结果 49

    结论 50

    参考文献 51

    致谢 52 

    1 引言



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