



    关键词: 早教中心;PHP;MySQL

    Early learning centre website design 

    Abstract:     Along with our country economy and the continuous development of science and technology, education informatization, network education, as a way of education and the environment of the network age, has become the direction of education development. Early education center website as preschool education teaching management, educational institutions, when conducting a platform and infrastructure, it's built between parents and helps strengthen the early education center, communication between parents and children, change the traditional teaching mode and education management methods, to promote early childhood education informatization development is of great significance. 

        In this paper, combined with the characteristics of the preschool children's education and the development center website construction and application of the status quo, put forward the construction scheme of a set of adapt to the development center web site. Early education center website adopts the advanced B/S development model, based on PHP technology and MySQL database management technology. Papers on the development and the development of early childhood center website has carried on the detailed demand analysis, system function and database and the careful design, and mainly on developing the overall architecture and implementation of the site's main features discussed in detail. 

        The subject in the development of our school to adapt to the current information technology, improve the teaching of preschool education of information management, improve the preschool education teaching resource utilization is of realistic significance. As the system gradually improve, this teaching website can be widely used. 

    Keywords: Early learning; PHP; MySQL


    摘要 ii

    Abstract ii

    目录 4

    1 绪论 6

    1.1 课题研究的背景、来源和意义 6

    1.2 国内外研究现状 6

    1.3 技术路线 7

    1.4 相关技术 8

    1.4.1 PHP的优势 8

    1.4.2 MySQL的基本概述 8

    1.4.3 MySQL的特点

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