
    摘要:最近几年,学校学生的数量与日俱增,人工书写数据的方法已经不能满足如此巨大的数据了。为了更好的适应信息时代的高效性,利用计算机来实现实验纪录搜索管理工作的系统将必然诞生。基于这一点,设计了一个实验纪录搜索系统,用来就学生实验纪录进行管理,以便在最短的时间内,高效准确的完成整个实验记录管理过程。实验纪录搜索系统是典型的网站型管理系统,整个网站的设计以满足大学师生实验纪录发布、搜索、下载、评论为目的,并且可以在线进行论坛交流讨论。系统的开发主要分为两个重要的部分:一是前端,例如网站应用程序的开发,第二是:后台的数据库需要维护和建立环境两个方面。对于前者来说就需要应用程序具备完整的功能、让用户方便且易于使用,对于后者来说要求建立完整、统一的数据等特点。实验纪录搜索系统是基于B/S模式的网站应用程序,采用ASP.NET动态网站开发技术开发。完成这个系统最主要使用的开发工具为SQL Server 2005数据库和Visual Studio2008集成开发环境。全文依照软件工程的思想,涵盖了系统分析、总体设计、详细设计与实现等系统开发的全过程,详细阐述了实验纪录搜索系统的设计与开发的过程。52635

    毕业论文关键词:实验纪录搜索,ASP.NET,SQL Server

    Experimental record search system

    Abstract:Increase gradually in recent years, the number of the students in the school, artificial writing way already can not satisfy such a large data. In order to better adapt to the high efficiency of the information age, using computer to realize the experimental record search management system will inevitably born. Based on this, designed an experiment records search system, used to student experiment record management, so that in the shortest possible time, efficient and accurate to complete the whole experiment records management process.Experimental record search system is a typical web site management system, the design of the entire web site to meet the university teachers and students experimental record release, search, download, comments, for the purpose of and can communicate BBS online discussion. System development mainly includes the backstage database the establishment and maintenance of and the front-end web application development two aspects. For the first requirement to establish data integrity and consistency, for the second one requires the  

    application function complete, convenient and easy to use, etc.Experimental record search system is based on B/S mode web applications, using ASP.NET dynamic website development technology development. System main development tools for Visual Studio 2008 integrated development environment and SQL Server2005 database. In full in accordance with the thought of software engineering, covers the system analysis, general design, detailed design and implementation of the whole process of system development, expounds the experimental record search system design and development process.

    Keywords: experimental record search, ASP.NET, SQL Server

    目  录 iii

    1绪论 1

    1.1课题研究背景 1

    1.2课题国内外研究进展 2

    1.3课题内容与意义 3

    2 系统分析 5

    2.1需求分析 5

    2.2可行性分析 6

    2.2.1经济可行性 6

    2.2.2技术可行性 6

    2.2.3操作可行性 6


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