

    本课题为我们校的同学提供一个相互联系,相互交流的平台。在网站的首页注册便可以进入个人中心模块,可以对个人资料进行管理,上传照片,并且可以与同学互相留言并加为好友。本系统采用ASP.NET技术,C#语言以及SQL SERVER 2005数据库开发。本文主要讨论了一个交友网站的设计与开发,具体阐述了该交友网站的实现的基本构造理念,所具备的作用以及整个系统的进一步完善,而在对于该系统的深入了解中可以通过图表的方式直观的了解该系统各模块的功能;在系统设计中,详细地展现了系统各个功能模块的设计思路等。

    毕业论文关键词: 交友; B/S;ASP.NET

    Development of online dating network

    Abstract: In the continuous development of science and technology, the use of modern computer communication has become the Ministry of us will be less tool. Into the internship phase increasingly feel that the promotion of friendship is a must. As the saying goes, people in society, more of a friend is one way, and various means of communication change is all kinds of. So I want to be a campus dating system to increase a mode of communication to facilitate the contact between students.

    This topic provides a connection to our school students, communication platform. On the home page of the site registered can enter the personal center module, may carry on the management of personal information, upload photos, and can be with my classmates and friends. The system uses ASP.NET technology, C# language and SQL SERVER 2005 database development. This paper mainly discusses the design and development of a campus dating sites, specifically elaborated the design and implementation of the campus dating sites, function and structure and system development, structure chart in the system analysis of the system function modules; in the system design, detailed display of the system each function module design etc. 

    Keywords: dating; B/S; ASP.NET


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 选题意义 1

    1.3 论文结构 3

    2 系统相关技术的介绍 4

    2.1 ASP.NET技术 4

    2.2 开发环境介绍 4

    2.3 MICROSOFT  VISUAL  STUDIO 2010介绍 7

    3 系统需求分析 10

    3.1 系统性能分析 10

    3.2 可行性分析 10

    3.2.1 经济可行性

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