



    The design and implementation of online flow control APP


    With the rapid development of Internet technology of human information society, people use mobile phones have been from a smart play phone machine over to do in life is a variety of things universal machine, people put more time to devote to playing with the phone, but almost any mobile application in use need to connect to the network, which relates to a traffic problem, because the flow in use is the service provider fees need to be paid, and some software somehow have lost flow, is undoubtedly a troublesome thing, so the control flow of the network is becoming more and more important. So I chose this topic, and I hope to solve this problem.

    The development of traffic monitoring software, to help users to monitor the flow, the main object oriented is the use of the broad masses of an Android phone users, the software development is a Android apps, Android in the market is the mainstream mobile phone operating system, and to achieve most of the software information sharing.

    The graduation design is mainly through the four years for learning Java, want on the Android development platform eclipse really practice a, to verify the four years learning outcomes, and through this graduation design, I also hope that can solve the Android phones running flow problem, in order to help Android mobile phone users to improve the performance of your mobile phone, prolong the using time of the mobile telephone, I hope that through the design of the program can allow users to know more about their mobile phone, through simple analysis can know the reason that affect the performance of the phone, to close unnecessary applications, in order to avoid traffic without loss. If you can do this, I think my graduation project is to achieve the goal.


    摘要 3

    1绪论 8

    1.1项目目的和意义 8

    1.1.1研究对象 8

    1.1.2设计目的 8

    1.2可行性分析 9

    1.2.1 技术可行性 9

    1.2.2经济可行性分析 9

    1.2.3技术可行性分析 10

    1.2.4 操作上的可行性 10

    1.2.5 法律的可行性 10

    1.3基本技术解决方案 10


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