
    摘要: 今天我们生活在充满数字的时代,随着GPRS、WLAN等无线技术的突飞猛进,移动生活、移动办公逐渐由概念转为现实,信息数据随手可及。特别是无线数据传输技术的成熟,运营商的大力推广,WLAN的应用日渐普及,并日益影响到人们生活的方方面面,种种梦想化为现实成为了可能。对于传统的餐饮业而言,利用无线网络技术实现点餐系统也成为了现实。 52702


    本文详细描述了基于Android无线电子菜谱系统服务器端的需求分析和系统设计,利用Struts、Spring、Hibernate和Axis2实现了一套无线点餐的Web端后台管理系统,同时向系统外部发布包括用户登录,餐桌管理,点菜管理、并台管理、转台管理、查台管理、结台管理、更新管理等的Web Service接口,方便用户在包括Android等在内的各种平台上调用,以实现无线点餐的功能。最后对该系统的特点进行了总结,并展望了其未来的发展方向。

    毕业论文关键词: 无线通信;Android;服务器端;Web Service 餐饮;菜谱管理系统

    Recipe management system

    Abstract: Today we live in a digital era, with the rapid progress of the GPRS, WLAN and other wireless technologies, mobile life; mobile office gradually becomes to true from concept,  you can get the information and data everywhere. In particular, the growing popularity of wireless data transmission technology matures, the promotion efforts of the operators, the popularity of WLAN applications grows, and is increasingly affecting all aspects of people's lives, it’s possible for all kinds of dreams comes into reality. As for traditional catering industry, the use of wireless network technology to achieve ordering system has also becomes to reality. 

    Android-based wireless ordering system, using the popular Android platform, build a flexible, efficient and convenient management system to optimize the ordering and management process through wireless communications between the WLAN and server, this will increase the restaurant service and management substantial and improve brand image and core competitiveness.

    This paper describes in detail the contents of the requirement and system design of Wireless Ordering System, Use of Struts, Spring, Hibernate and Axis2 Web side of the back-office management system, and release the user logon, table management, ordering management, combination management, change table management, check table management, settle accounts management, update management, and other Web Service interface, it can be called on a variety of platforms, including Android, etc., in order to achieve a wireless ordering function. This paper finally summarizes the system characteristics and prospects of its future development. 

    Keywords: Wireless communication; Android; server; Web Service;Recipe management system


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 选题背景和意义 1

    1.2 无线点餐系统简介 2

    1.3 本文的主要工作及组织结构

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