





    Abstract:The development of human-computer interaction with the development of human control of computer application ability, from human to adapt to the computer to computer to adapt to the development needs of the people, the continuous development of the process。

    From the early stage of manual operation to control language and interactive command language stage, and then to the graphical user interface, network interface, multi-channel and multimedia intelligent human-machine stage。 In this process, be used for interactive hardware equipment is in constant development and renewal。

    From the mouse, keyboard, touch screen to handle now are not the same size, and now has a body sensor。 This let the somatosensory interactive technology has become one of the hottest research fields, and application development Microsoft based on Kinect is the most widely used。

    This development is based on a simple Kinect application programming。 The skeletal identification the most basic Kinect, depth image and color image collection and acquisition。 Based on these, some simple logic judgment and application was worked out。

    Keywords:Kinect; skeletal tracking; depth image; color image


    1  前言 3

    2  开发技术与环境 4

    2。1 开发语言 4

    2。2  开发环境与工具 4

    3  Kinect的工作原理 5

    3。1  两款Kinect对比 5

    3。2  You are the controller(你就是控制器) 6

    3。3  Kinect的工作流程 7

    4  主要实现代码 8

    4。1  完整的Kinect骨骼获取及匹配过程代码 8

    4。2  获取骨骼 11

    4。3  获取摄像头上的 12

    4。4  调节幕布的大小 13

    4。5  中心位置修正 13

    4。6  平滑度修正 14

    5  手势方向识别 14

    5。1  SlideUnlock空气滑动解锁 14

    5。2  HubDemo界面的设计 19

    5。3  slideshow!手势图片切换 21

    结论 23

    参考文献 24

    致谢 241  前言

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