
    摘 要:近几年,移动互联网平台发展迅猛,以Android开放平台为主的移动市场已经逐步形成。智能手机用户正在体验着移动互联网技术发展带来的种种便利。出行是人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。通过搭载了Android系统的智能手机来实现查询飞机航班、预定机票、用户的注册与登录等功能。后台管理员可以通过Web浏览器实现管理员登录、管理用户信息、管理航班信息等相应的功能。本系统以C/S模式为基础,以Java作为开发语言,以MySQL作为后台数据库,用Eclipse和MyEclipse作为开发环境。



     Abstract:In recent years, the rapid development of mobile Internet platform, open platform to Android-based mobile market has been gradually formed. Smartphone users are experiencing the development of mobile Internet technology brings all the convenience. Travel is an integral part of people's lives. By carrying the Android smart phone system to achieve inquiries flights, book tickets, user registration and login functions. Background administrator can implement the corresponding function administrator login, manage user information, such as flight information management through a Web browser. The system C / S mode based, Java as a development language, with MySQL as the backend database, using Eclipse and MyEclipse as a development environment.

    When a user queries by phone, Android client through Http protocol to communicate with the server-side, sends a query to the server, the server will get MySQL database data and then sent to the client in accordance with the appropriate action to achieve the client corresponding data query functions. That is the server in response to client requests, complete the appropriate database operations and returns the results to the client.

    Keywords:Airline booking system,Android,JSP,Servlet

    目  录

    1 引言 4

    1.1 国内移动互联网发展趋势 4

    1.2 国内智能手机发展趋势 5

    2 开发环境与相关技术简介 6

    2.1 系统开发运行环境 6

    2.2 Android技术介绍 6

    2.3 JSP技术介绍 7

    2.4 MySQL介绍 8

    3 系统需求分析 8

    3.1 背景介绍 8

    3.2 客户端 9

    3.3 服务器端 10

    4 数据库设计 11

    4.1 数据库概念设计 11

    4.2 数据库逻辑设计 12

    5 系统详细设计 15

    5.1 系统简介 15

    5.2 Android客户端 16

    5.3 JSP服务器端 25

    结论 33

    参考文献 34

    致谢 35 

    1  引言

    1.1  国内移动互联网发展趋势

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