
    摘  要:针对传统软件下载遇到的安全性不高,下载时会跳出各种无关页面等问题,本文采用Microsoft Visual Studio2010开发工具,设计开发了网页版软件下载系统。本系统分为前台和后台两个模块。前台为普通用户提供服务,具有新闻查看、发布留言、软件查看和下载等功能。后台为管理员提供服务,具有管理新闻、管理普通用户、管理软件等功能。本系统具有结构简单,功能易扩展,操作简单,安全性高等优点。由于网络的普及和人们对软件的依赖性越来越来,我相信人们在网络上下载软件会越来越频繁,所以我设计的网页版软件下载系统具有广阔的应用前景。56357


    Abstract:Security is not high, the traditional software download face download page will jump out has nothing to do all kinds of problems, this paper USES the Microsoft Visual Studio2010 development tools, web page download version of the software system was designed and developed. I design of the system is pided into foreground and background two modules. The front desk to provide service for ordinary users, has released news view, message, software to view and download, etc. The background provide service for the administrator, including of management information, the average user management, management software, and other functions. Function of this system is simple in structure, easy to expand, simple operation, high safety, etc. Due to the popularity of the network and people more and more dependent on software to, I believe that people on the Internet to download the software will be more and more frequent, so I design the web version of the software download system has broad application prospects.

    Key words:website version,software download,c# language

    目  录

    1 绪论 4

    1.1 课题背景 4

    1.2 网页版软件下载系统介绍 4

    1.3 目的和意义 4

    1.4 系统设计思想 4

    2 可行性研究分析 5

    2.1 本系统的可行性研究 5

    2.2 市场可行性 5

    2.3 经济可行性 5

    2.4 技术可行性 6

    2.5 运行可行性 6

    2.6 操作可行性 6

    3 系统结构设计 6

    3.1 需求分析 6

    3.2 功能模块 7

    3.3 系统流程图 8

    4 数据库设计 9

    4.1 数据库的需求分析 9

    4.2 数据库表的设计 10

    5 系统功能模块设计与实现 12

    5.1 用户界面 12

    5.2 管理员界面 19

    6 测试 26

    6.1 模块功能完整性的测试 23

    6.2 数据库功能和权限分配测试 27

    6.3 环境测试 27

    结  论 29

    参考文献 30

    致    谢 31 

    1 绪论

    1.1 课题背景

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