
    摘 要:  随着互联网的兴起,网上书店逐渐成为人们购买图书的一个主要途径。在线图书商城可以使用户突破时间和空间的限制来实现购买图书,这给用户带来了极大的便利。因此在线图书商城的建立便是一种必然的趋势。57299



    ABSTRACT:With the rise of the Internet, online bookstore has become a main way for people to buy the book. The online book store user can break through the limit of time and space to achieve the purchase of books, which brings great convenience to users. Therefore the establishment of online book store is an inevitable trend.

    This site is a B/S structure of the system, taking ASP.NET as the developmentplatform, using SQL2005 database management tools to store data information in the website. This system realizes the member registration,member login, library management, book display, shopping cart, order management, news management, news, books and other functions. This paper introduces the development background, system development and the significance of the use of technology, then describes the feasibility of website development, the article finally discusses the whole process of Web site design and implementation.

    Keywords: Book sales site,Order Management,cart,database,ASP.NET


    1 绪论 4

    1.1 课题背景 4

    1.2 研究现状 4

    1.3 研究意义 4

    2 系统开发环境介绍 5

    2.1 C#介绍 5

    2.2 ASP.NET 简介 6

    2.3 SQL Server数据库简介 6

    3 需求分析 7

    3.1 可行性分析 7

    3.2 系统需求分析 8

    3.3 系统重要流程 8

    4 总体设计 12

    4.1 系统功能模块 12

    4.2 数据库设计 13

    5  详细设计 19

    5.1 登录模块详细设计 19

    5.2 会员注册模块 20

    5.3 留言板模块的实现 21

    5.4 图书信息模块 23

    5.5 购物车模块 24

    5.6 生成订单模块 26

    5.7 订单管理模块 27

    5.8 管理员登录模块 27

    6  系统测试 28

    6.1 测试目的 28

    6.2 测试方法 28

    6.3 系统测试 28

    结  论 30

    参考文献 31

    致  谢

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