
    摘要: 如今社会已经完全进到信息时代,随着学校办学规模的日渐增大, 院系复杂、学生人数增长,导致日常教学工作日渐繁重,因此,教育行业也需要与信息技术相结合。目前学校教室的预约与管理基本都是传统的人为管理方式,主要缺点是搞错几率高,花费时间长,有时会出现预约的教室安排冲突。这一方面耗费了大量的人力物力,另一方面,其实时性和共享性也差。

        本文旨在建立了一套基于B/S架构的,并采用ASP.NET及SQL Server数据库技术实现的自动智能化教室信息管理系统,从而实现了教室管理使用数据信息的准确性、实时性及共享性。文中论述了一个教室信息管理系统实例,阐明了该实例的详细开发过程。在本系统中,用户可以注册为普通用户和系统管理员。所有注册用户都可以参与教室预订申请,结果查询、课表查询、课表导出等操作,而只有具有管理员权限的用户才能进行系统参数设置、教室初始课表的导入、教室申请审核及教室信息管理等操作。最后,还提供教室使用信息查询及使用情况EXCEL格式的报表输出功能。57457


    毕业论文关键词: 教室会议室预约,B/S架构,C#语言,SQL Server

    The Development of the Personnel Management System 

    Abstract: Nowadays, the society has been in an information age. With the rapid development of school scale, the number of the college students surged. Therefore, the education also needs integration with information technology. Currently, the college classroom management mode is the traditional artificial way. The main defects are long time consuming and high error rate. It often occurs that the number of students couldn’t be compatible with the classroom size. There are so many time and energy spent on the classroom management and it lacks real-time and sharing. 

    In order to resolve the problem, this paper establishes a classroom information management system based on the B/S architecture and uses the ASP.NET WEB framework. Besides, the SQL Server 2008 Database was used to manage the test bank. In this paper, a classroom information management system as an example has been explained. In this system, Users can become a registered through the register system. Among them, authority is pided into administrators and ordinary users. All registered users can participate in the classroom reservation request, result query and schedule query the print operation, only administrator have rights to cancel the reset system parameters and check the classroom appointment. Finally, the system have also offer query and report output in EXCEL format functions.

    At last, the paper pointed out some shortcomings and extensible interface of the project. Its functions could be perfected and improved in a future time.

    Keywords: Classroom Information Management, B/S Frame, C# Language, SQL Serve


    摘要 i

    Abstract ii

    目录 iii

    1 引言 1

    1.1 课题的研究背景及意义 1

    1.1.1 课题的研究背景 1

    1.1.2 课题研究目的及意义 2


  1. 上一篇:asp.net+sqlserver电影票预定系统的设计与实施
  2. 下一篇:C#+SQLserver在线文件管理系统的设计与实现
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