
    摘要:随着水平的不断提高,新技术的广泛应用,安防系统工程技术定将成为智能建筑,智能小区建设中必不可少的一个重要组成部分。 本文以某小区的智能化需求为依据,以安防系统为研究对象,从用户需求分析,工程规模调查,系统配置,设备选择,功能介绍、布线施工等方面对可视对讲系统,家庭防盗报警系统,视频监控系统,停车场管理系统电子巡更系统进行研究与设计。 








    Community Security Management System Design and Development

    Abstract: Security systems engineering intelligence community is to achieve centralized management, security measures the most effective technique is to air defense, put technology, physical defense effectively combine to create an ideal, safe and satisfactory housing space for tenants. Residential area security system generally includes television monitoring systems, electronic Patrol System, home burglar alarm systems, video intercom system, parking management systems, and home security systems. With increasing levels of widely used new technology, security systems engineering technology is set to become the intelligent building, intelligent community building essential an important part. Taking a cell intelligent demand as the basis for the security system as the research object, from a user needs analysis, project scale survey, system configuration, equipment selection aspect, Features, construction and other wiring for video intercom systems, home burglar alarm system, TV monitoring system, parking management systems and electronic patrol system research and design.

    The main work for this paper are:

    1. On the basis of extensive access to relevant literature, research status and development trend of security systems engineering

    2. Study the size of the project, design standards, design principles of the intelligent community, residential security systems to do the overall design.

    3. Study on the composition of the building intercom system and electronic patrol system, working principle, design principles, the status of the cell against, the cell intercom system and electronic patrol system functions, wiring, equipment configuration design .

    4. Study the basic television monitoring system, the device configuration, system solutions, equipment selection, wiring scheme and other cell monitoring system program design.

    5. Details of the parking management system features, advantages and features, for users of the car park and pipe systems face detection system for parking management way, and out of the program, set up with research and design configuration.

     Keywords: security systems, intercom systems,parking management systems, electronic Patrol System


    摘要 2


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