

    毕业论文关 键 词:微博,MySQL数据库,C/S模式,PHP

     Abstract:This system uses Eclipse as the development tool, with database using MySQL , with the server writted by the PHP language to develop the c/s model and mobile microblog which is based on Android platform.From the point of view the simple,friendly interface, flexibility, practicability and safety , the system complete the users’ registration and login, replacing the signature picture, publishing microblog, commentting, microblog list, paying attention to others and becoming other’s fan  and timely news update.Firstly this paper introduces the subject background, elaborate development purposes. Secondly, this paper introduces the needs analysis, and then introduces the architecture of the application,at the same time, introduces the relevant technology and part of the code. This paper describes the databases from the conceptual design and logical structure design aspects set forth herein. Finally, the design of some of the major code and test cases and so on.

    Keywords:Micro-blog,MySQL database,C/S mode,PHP

     1 前言 4

    1.1 课题来源 4

    1.2 选择开发模式 4

    2 开发环境 4

    2.1 C/S系统介绍 4

    2.2 Android简介 5

    2.3 PHP语言简介 5

    2.4 PHP开发环境 5

    2.5开发框架Hush Framework简介 5

    3 需求分析 6

    3.1 技术需求分析 6

    3.2 可行性分析 6

    4 概要设计 7

    4.1 实例产品设计 7

    4.2 数据库设计 12

    5详细设计 16

    5.1 程序架构设计 16

    5.2 服务端开发 28

    5.3 异步任务 30

    6 测试运行情况 31

    6.1 服务端压力测试 31

    6.2 数据库测试 32

    6.3 安全性测试 33

    6.4 测试用例 33

    6.5 系统维护 33

    6.6 测试总结 34

    6.7 程序有待改进方面 34

    结  论 35

    参考文献 36

    致  谢 37

    1 前言

    1.1 课题来源


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