    摘要信息管理工作在现代化企业中发挥着越来越重要的作用。可以说,计算机在企业信息管理工作中成为标志着一种高水平、高科技和高效率的使用工具,已经渗透到企业日常工作的各个方面,其自身以及其所发挥的作用,都为企业的发展、创新及经济效益做出了巨大的贡献。进销存管理系统可以及时地将数据快速转化为企业信息,使管理者能够有依据的进行决策。本系统对企业中一些比较经常见到的商业活动,比如采购、库存、销售等可以起到良好的管理作用,还可以对与企业有关的供应商或客户等基本信息进行管理,不仅如此,所开发的进销存系统可自动生成采购入库出库单,省掉了人工操作的麻烦,此外,本系统还可以查询历史采购、销售记录,维护产品信息及客户、供应商信息等。本系统的开发主要包括前端应用程序的开发以及后台数据库的建立和维护两个方面。依据本系统的自身特点,该系统将使用目前最常用的 Visual Basic 6.0进行开发,采用操作便捷功能强大的 SQL Server 2000作为后台数据库,这两种开发工具相结合,可以解决很多较麻烦的问题,能帮助我更方便的开发本系统。该系统中的关键技术包括库存记录的模糊查询; 根据销售记录和采购记录对库存信息的自动更新和统计;采购记录和销售记录的复合式查询等。由于完成本论文的时间以及自身水平等因素的限制, 论文中难免存在诸多不完善的地方,敬请各位老师看过后提出意见并给与批评指正。58609
    毕业论文关键词:Visual Basic6.0; SQL Server 2000; 信息管理系统
    Abstract In the modern enterprise, information management plays an increasingly importantrole. It can be said that in the enterprise information management work, the computer hasbecome a kind of high-tech, high efficiency, and high level tools, has penetrated into thedaily work of many enterprises, whether their own or their role. For the enterpriseinnovation, make a significant contribution to the development and economic benefits.Invoicing management system can timely and fast data into business information, andprovides basis for decision making. The system of the enterprises in the commonprocurement, inventory, sales and other commercial activities and related to the suppliersand customers and other basic information management can be generated automatically,the purchase orders, delivery order, query the historical record sales, purchasing,maintenance of product information, customer information and supplier information.This system development mainly includes the backstage database the establishment andthe maintenance as well as front end application procedure development two aspects.According to the characteristics of the developed system, the system will use the currentpopular Basic Visual 6.0 development, the background database using powerful Server SQL2000. The key technologies of the system include the automatic updating and statistics ofinventory information according to the sales recordsand purchasing records;the fuzzy queryof the inventory records; the compound query of purchasing records and sales records.Due to time limit, and my own level is limited, the thesis have shortcomings, please theteacher to give criticism and correct.
    Keywords: Visual Basic6.0; SQL Server 2000; Information Management System 

    目 录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 概述-1

    1.2 开发工具的选择-1

    1.2.1 Visual Basic6.0 简介-- 1

    1.2.2 SQL Server 2000 简介- 3

    1.3 本文主要内容-5

    第二章 数据库设计- 6

    2.1 数据表结构清单-6

    2.1.2 各数据表的关系 6

    2.2 数据库的创建--7

    2.3 数据表的创建--8

    第三章 系统设计--9

    3.1 系统需求分析--9

    3.2 系统模块设计--9

    3.2.1 模块功能设计 9

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