

    基于Android定位消息的紧急事件消息系统主要分为Web服务器和Android手机客户端两个方面。在服务器部分,利用Axis2配置和部署了一些满足系统需要的Web Service,搭建DWR框架实时接收紧急定位消息,使用百度地图API定位具体的消息。在客户端部分,开发了简单的登录、注册的页面,利用SOAP 协议与Web服务器进行数据交互,达到紧急消息发送、存储和定位的功能。

    本文主要对紧急消息定位过程中一些技术要点,例如定位消息获取,Web Service交互、实时消息显示和定位消息地图呈现进行了详细的设计与实现,基本满足了业务系统的需求,有一定的推广价值。

    毕业论文关键词:Android,定位消息,Web Service,实时推送,地图显示


    Title    Emergency Message System Based on Android Location Message                                                   


    Due to the long-term and unexpected condition of people with chronic disease and the elderly, there’s a lack of appropriate management system to real-time monitoring of the health of these special populations. The emergence of smart mobile application provides a solution for the treatment and dealing with emergency situations of those special populations. The mobile device’s location function makes the position of emergency more accurate and more timely.

    Emergency Messaging System Based on Android Location Message is pided into two aspects of the Web server and Android mobile client. The server part, which uses the configuration and deployment of Axis2 to command Web Services that system needs, build the DWR framework to receive real-time emergency location messages, and apply Baidu Maps API to locate a specific message. In the client part, we develop some pages including login and registration page, using the SOAP protocol to exchange data with the Web server, in order to reach the transmission, storage and positioning function of emergency message.

    This paper focuses on some technical points in the emergency message locating process, such as the detailed design and implementation of obtaining the location message, the Web service interactive, receiving real-time message and locating messages, basically meet the needs of the system with some promotional value.

    Keywords: Android, Location Message, Web Service, Push, Map Show

    目  次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  选题背景 1

    1.2  研究内容 2

    1.3  论文组织结构 2

    2  相关技术研究 4

    2.1  Android定位和百度地图 4

    2.2  Web Service和Axis2 5

    2.3  Struts2技术 7

    2.4  JavaScript和DWR技术 8

    2.5  本章小结 10

    3  系统需求分析与方案设计 11

    3.1 需求分析 11

    3.1.1  项目要求

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