
    摘要CAN是Controller Area Network的缩写,是ISO国际标准化的串行通信协议之一。其传输距离远,抗干扰能力强,易于组网,而且节约成本,现已被公认为最有前途的现场总线之一。USB,是英文Universal Serial Bus的缩写,它是主要用于PC领域的接口技术,其最大特点是支持热插拔,它满足了人们对总线易用性、扩展能力强和低成本的要求,USB的数据传输速率发展从1.0的低速1.5Mbps和全速12Mbps到2.0的高速480Mbps,再到如今3.0的超高速5Gbps。USB与CAN总线的数据转换系统将CAN总线和USB的各自优点联合起来,非常适用于在PC端调试CAN。

    目前,调试CAN的时候,一般都是从市场上买现成转换器。其中有CAN-RS232、CAN-USB、CAN-Ehternet网络等。其中,CAN- USB是常用之一,然而市面上的CAN-USB转换器,体积较大、价格昂贵、不提供原理图。61631


    毕业论文关键词  数据转换  CAN- USB  CAN-UART   USB-UART


    Title Design on Mini System of Data Transition between USB and CAN                                 

    Abstract CAN, abbreviation of Controller Area Network, is one of ISO international standardized serial communication protocols. It transmits far, has strong antijamming capability, forms network easily and has a low cost, having been recongized as the most promising fieldbus. USB, abbreviation of Universal Serial Bus, is used for interface technology of PC. The most typical feature of USB is supporting hot plug. It fulfils the requirements people want for usability, extended ability and low cost. The transmitting rate of USB develops from low speed 1.5Mbps and full speed 12Mbps of version 1.0 to high speed 480Mbps of version 2.0, and to super hign speed 5Gbps of version 3.0 now. The system of data transition between USB and CAN combines both advantages,and is very useful for debugging CAN on PC.

    At present, in order to debug CAN, it is general to buy ready-made transition tools from market, like CAN-RS232, CAN-USB, CAN-Ehternet and so on. The transition tools of CAN-USB which comes from market, otherwise is big in size and expensive without theory diagrams.

    Therefore, this paper realizes CAN-USB data transition with LM3S9B92 chosen as main MCU respectively in specific and indefinite data frames of CAN. UART is also involved in this paper so as to realize CAN-UART and USB-UART data transiton.

    Keywords  Data Transition, CAN-USB, CAN-UART, USB-UART 


    1  绪论 6

    1.1 问题的提出 6

    1.2 背景及意义 6

    1.3 国内研究现状 7

    1.4 本文的主要研究内容和结构安排 7

    2 硬件平台介绍 9

    2.1 ARM Cortex-M3的体系结构 9

    2.2 LM3S9B92开发板简介 10

    2.2.1 LM3S9B92控制器的特点 10

    2.2.2 开发板的硬件资源 11

    2.3 UART模块 12

    2.3.1 RS232接口电路 13

    2.3.2 UART接口编程技术 13

    2.4 CAN模块 14

    2.4.1 CAN总线协议

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