    关键词  数据清洗 数据拟合 线性回归 时间窗口 前向预测
    Title      Collecting and Cleaning of Sensor Data in The Context of Intelligent Cities                                       
    Presently, as the development and maturity of Internet of Things grows. It is gradually applied to urban management, which has gradually gave birth to the concept of intel- ligent cities. In the intelligent urban management system, the size of the sensor network has been an unprecedented expansion. ll events that can be used to urban decision are detected by the sensor network. Sensor are used to sense many tings. during the opera- ti-on of the intelligent urban management system,the sensor network continuously sub- mit a large number of sensor data to the system. Among the data, there are all kinds of inevitable errors or mistakes. If the high-level application just uses the data directly, it can cause a lot of problems. Therefore the data submitted by the sensor must be clean- ed.This paper has analyzed the requirements for the sensor data submitted in the intelli- gent city applications. Based on the result this paper introduces some useful methods to clean sensor data. In these methods we clean the sensor by time window technique and Linear regression technique. We build a two level data cleaning system model. To veri- fy the efficiency of the method we also design and conduct experiments. The results sh- ow that the cleaning method proposed in this paper,can achieve good data cleansing effect.
    Keywords data cleaning,data fitting,linear regression,time window,         forecast
    1 绪论    5
    1.1课题来源以及介绍    6
    1.2相关技术    7
    2 数据清洗介绍    9
    2.1数据清洗概述    9
    2.2.1 国外研究现状    11
    2.2.2 国内研究现状    12
    2.3 数据清洗定义    12
    2.4 数据清洗研究对象    13
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