
    摘要:二十一世纪最重要的资源是人力和信息,而将这两者结合起来的就是现代化的企业管理方式。本文结合当前企业管理系统现状与发展,重点关注企业管理系统实现的技术,探讨其实现方式。本课题采用C/S结构,即客户机和服务器结构,使用Visual Studio 2013作为开发工具,使用C#语言进行编程,使用SQL Server 2012创建后台数据库,设计与实现了针对小型企业的公司职员资料管理系统。该系统面向公司人事部门管理人员,实现了员工信息和部门信息的增加、查询、删除和修改功能,还实现了操作员的管理功能,添加用户、修改用户权限和密码。本系统在建立数据库时使用SQL命令,前台与后台的通信上利用了ADO.NET,并利用SQL的数据操作命令对数据库进行修改。本次系统的程序界面都是利用VS2013提供的控件设计的。62123

    毕业论文关键词: SQL;C#语言;ADO.NET;C/S结构

    The design and implementation of company employees Data Management System

    Abstract:  In the twenty-first century the most important resource are human and information, the combination of the two is modern enterprise management mode. In this paper, based on the current status and development of enterprise management system, focusing on enterprise management system to achieve the technology and explore its implementation. This paper uses C/S structure, namely the client and the server architecture, using Visual Studio 2013 as a development tool, using the C # programming language, using SQL Server 2012 to create a background database, designed and implemented a company employee data management system for small business. The management system is for the company's personnel department staff, realizes the increase, query, delete and modify functions for the staff information and department information, and also implements the operator's management functions, including adding users, changing user permissions and password. The system uses SQL commands in the establishment of a database, the communications between the front desk and background use ADO.NET, and also use the SQL data manipulation command to modify the database. The program interface of this system is designed by using the controls to provide by VS 2013.

    Keywords: SQL; C# language; ADO.NET; C/S structure


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 本课题的研究背景 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.3 本课题的主要工作 2

    1.4 系统相关技术介绍 2

    1.4.1 C#技术介绍 2

    1.4.2 SQL技术介绍 2

    1.4.3 本系统中数据库的访问 3

    2 系统分析 5

    2.1 需求分析 5

    2.1.1 数据需求 5

    2.1.2 功能需求 5

    2.2 系统概述

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