
    摘要: 随着生活水平的提高,越来越多的人开始选择短途旅游。为了满足人们的需求,许许多多的城市景点拥有了自己的网站。本课题主要是设计一个合理并且能帮助人们高效地查询旅游信息的城市网站导引系统。该系统以Eclipse为主要开发工具,后台使用Java语言。该系统的用户权限主要有普通用户和管理用户,内容主要分为用户模块、旅游线路模块、公告模块、留言管理模块,每个模块都有普通用户和管理员不同的操作内容。本文重点介绍了本系统的设计步骤、功能分析、实现方法并且将整个系统的内部结构也进行了详细的说明。本论文还将系统测试方案的结构记录在内以便查看。在论文的最后,为大家提供了一些结构记录和技术参数进行参考和进一步研究。62122

    毕业论文关键词: 城市旅游导引系统;Java;用户权限;模块;重点介绍

    City tour guide system Abstract:With the improvement of living standard, people prefer a short trip .In order to meet the market demand, many scenery spots have built their own web sites. In the current work, a platform is designed for people to gain the useful information conveniently. The platform is developed with the Eclipse as the main tool and background program is based on Java. The platform has different modules: User module, the tourist route module, announcement module, message management module. For each module there are two using permissions: one for the visitors, the other for the website administers. This paper mainly introduces the system’s design steps, function analysis, implementation method and more. The intern structure is also introduced in detail. The paper also recorded the test plan to view. At the end of the paper, Structure records and technical parameters are included for reference and further study.

    Keywords: City tour guide system; Java; User permission; Module; Highlighting information


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 ii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题的背景与意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状与水平 1

    1.2.1 城市标识系统概述 3

    1.2.2 GPS定位概述 3

    1.2.3 最短路径概述 3

    1.3 网站简介 3

    1.4 调研情况 4

    1.5 工作进度与安排 4

    2 网站系统分析 5

    2.1 总体分析 5

    2.1.1 需求分析 5

    2.1.2 可行性分析 5

    2.2 网站系统设计流程分析 7

    2.2.1 注册和登录功能分析 7

    2.2.2 主页页面显示设计流程分析

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