

    开发一个基于B/S模式的乡镇卫生管理系统,有利于乡镇卫生所内部的管理;患者先是到医生那里看病,医生根据病情和相关信息进行记录和开药,然后到医院工作人员那里依据处方上的价格进行缴费,然后去药房取药。医院的医务人员发布患者信息和病房的住院信息;药房工作人员通过进药品和取药品对药房库存进行信息的更新;财务人员可以通过医务人员开的处方费用进行收费等功能。系统操作简单,便于维护。本医疗管理系统能让使用者更好的对乡镇医疗卫生,患者,药品,财务和病房入住能更好的实际应用。采用了Myeclipse作为平台,利用了SQL Server作为数据库,运用Java作为开发语言。


    毕业论文关键词 :办公自动化 乡镇医疗 信息化 B/S Java

    The  Design  and  Implementation of township m edical and  health  mannagement systemy  based on  web


    With the improving of living standard, people pay more attention to the body health. Township medical industry has drawn a greater attentions. It is urgent to provide better medical facilities and advanced township medical and health management system to meet the people’s demands. As a result, the township hospital can be computerized and convenient treatment are provided for patients, but also the working intensities of medical staffs are reduce to a large extent and the efficiencies of township medical institutions are increased. 

    Developping a township health management system which is based on B/S modeIs is conducive to the management of township health centers.First,the patient goes to the doctor,who records and prescribes medication according to the condition and related information.And then the medical staff receive patient`s payment based on the price of the prescription,then go to the pharmacy to get the medicine.Hospital`s medical staff release patient `s information and the ward of the hospital information.Pharmacy staff update the information of the pharmacy inventory through the drug`s in and out.Financial staff can charges based on the prescription costs opened by the medical staff ,and other functions.System operation is simple and easy to maintain.This medical management system can make users have a better practical application on the township health, patients, drugs, financial and ward occupancy .This system uses Myeclipse as a platform ,using Server SQL as the database, using Java as the development language.

    This system introduce the villages and towns management systems’background and significance, and development tools.And analyze the system requirements and program design.The last est system,The results show that System running normally and Meet user requirements

    KEY WORDS :office automation  Township medical  informatization  B/S

    目  录

    第一章绪论 8

    1.1课题研究的背景及意义 8

    1.2本文研究的目的和内容 8

    1.3研究现状 9

    1.3.1国外现状 9


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