
    摘  要:在当前互联网技术蓬勃发展,在“三农”问题中,我国传统农业急需改变生产与经营的方式,互联网成为解决这一问题的新法宝,互联网农业成为现代农业的发展方向。本文主要以甘谷县晓阳生态农民专业合作社建设为背景,利用互联网技术为合作社建设具有实际使用意义的网站。62145





    毕业论文关键词:农业  农业合作社   互联网   网站设计与开发

    The design and development of Gangu county farmer cooperatives Xiaoyang ecological site

    Abstract:In the current Internet technology vigorous development, in the "three rural issues", the traditional agriculture of our country is badly in need of change way of production and management, the Internet has become a new weapon to solve this problem, the Internet agriculture become the development direction of modern agriculture. This paper mainly to the farmer specialized cooperatives of Gangu County Xiao Yangsheng state as the background, using Internet technology has practical significance for using the site for the construction of the cooperatives.

    Website construction to the current development of cooperatives, as well as the future of the Internet advertising needs of cooperatives mainly include cooperatives profile, product display, production environment and so on.

    The first part mainly introduces the current development of cooperatives and demand publicity on the Internet by the cooperatives through the understanding of the current situation, whereby cooperative Internet propaganda need choose appropriate Internet products, namely cooperative building a propaganda portal.

    The second part mainly introduces the cooperative website design and development, website construction mainly by dedecms structures. Because of the open source code and system template, choose dedecms Xiaoyang cooperative website design is a kind of easy to implement.

    The third part is mainly to introduce the main background of the site management, for the future of the normal operation of the site and the content of the update, replace or add a new column.

    Key words:  agricultural  cooperatives Internet  website design and development


    一、引言 1

    (一)合作社背景介绍 1

    (二)课题研究的背景 2

    (三)课题研究的发展现状与趋势 2

    二、 开发工具和环境 4

    (二)PHP 4

    (三)数据库MYSQL 5

    (四)DEDECMS 6

    (五)Dreamweaver CS8 7

    三、合作社网站设计的需求分析 8

    (一)晓阳合作社主要需求 8

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