    电影点评网站的设计与实现摘  要:近年来,随着人们物质生活的提升,精神生活的丰富需求是极为迫切,电影已成为人们生活中必不可少的部分。同时,伴随着科技的迅速发展,网络已在人们的生活中已无处不在,可以说已深入了大家的生活。人们希望通过网络可以快速的获得电影的相关信息,并能发表自己对电影的看法,以及和其他网民的互动,加深对电影的了解。电影点评网站不仅可以实现这些功能,而且对电影产业的发展以及人们的精神文化丰富起着极其重要的作用。32359
    Desigh and Implementation Review Movie Website
    Abstract: In recent years, with the upgrading of people's material life, enrich spiritual life demand is extremely urgent, the film has become an indispensable part of people's lives. Meanwhile, with the rapid development of technology, the network has been in people's lives everywhere, it can be said has penetrated everyone's life. People want to be able to quickly obtain relevant information through the network movie, and can express their views on the film, as well as interactive and other users, a better understanding of the film. Movie review site can not only achieve these functions, but also for the development of the film industry and the people's spiritual and cultural wealth plays an important role.
    Design and implementation of the movie review site based on the rapid establishment dedecms technology in WAMPServer environment, the use dedecms fast, easy to complete the design of the site. The main function is to provide users with the latest movie information query and reviews, view interactive netizens movie critic, as well as with other users.
    The site design is simple in structure to achieve reasonable use of sub-column design, so that the contents of the new and all, help people browse the site understand the main features of this movie review sites and understanding of the film.
    Keywords: Internet; WAMPServer; Dedecms; Movie Review Site
     目  录
    第1章 绪论    1
    1.1 本课题的开发背景    1
    1.2 本课题要达到的设计目标    1
    第2章 建站技术现状及关键问题分析    2
    2.1 快速建站技术分析    2
    2.2 研究设计中的关键问题    2
    2.3 开发环境安装    4
    第3章 需求分析    8
    3.1 用例图    8
    3.2 流程图    8
    3.3 网站功能    9
    3.4 可行性分析    9
    3.5 操作可行性    10
    3.6 技术可行性    10
    3.7 经济可行性    10
    3.8 系统的开发环境    10
    3.8.1 硬件环境    10
    3.8.2 软件环境    10
    3.8.3 DedeCMS的标签    11
    第4章 网站制作分析    12
    4.1 主题制作    12
    4.2 用户角色与权限    14
    第5章 网站页面实现详细设计    15
    5.1 创建模板    15
    5.1.1 模板设计    15
    5.1.2 模板列表    16
    5.2 创建栏目    16
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