
    摘要:网络日益深入我们生活中各个方面,一个在线餐饮点评网站,旨在实现尽可能地详尽展示美食的商品信息、通过便捷的方式展现给用户,同时为美食爱好者提供稳定良好的信息交流平台。设计基于.NET技术和B/S架构模式开发,在VS2010平台上用C#语言编译,SQL server2005作为数据库的网站,方便广大美食家及美食爱好者浏览,查询。点评系统包括用户模块和管理员模块,主要功能有在线浏览、点评留言、人气排行、用户管理等。在设计中,用户从不同路径验证登录区分身份权限:普通用户身份进入系统后可进行添加、浏览、点评美食信息,管理员身份在正确验证登录后能对系统关键部位信息进行管理。在线餐饮点评系统给传统餐饮行业带来巨大影响,缩短了信息收集及反馈时间,为用户提供了更加便捷的体验。62202

    毕业论文关键词:在线餐饮;点评系统;SQL 数据库;B/S架构;VS2010平台

    Jia Liang online food and beverage review system

    Abstract: Increasing depth of all aspects of our lives, an online restaurant review site to achieve as much as possible exhaustive show food commodity information, through the convenient way to show to the user, and at the same time to provide good and stable platform for the exchange of information for food lovers. Design based on. Net technology and B / S architecture development. In the VS2010 platform with language C# compilation, SQL Server2005 as the database of the website, convenient our gourmet and food lovers browse, query. Review system includes user module and administrator module, the main function of online browsing, comment on the message, popularity ranking, user management, etc.. In the design, users log in from a different path verification distinguish identity and authority: the ordinary user to enter the system after add, browse, comment, food information, an administrator in the correct login authentication can to carry on the management to the system key position information. Online restaurant review system to the traditional food industry has a huge impact, shorten the information collection and feedback time, to provide users with a more convenient experience.

    Keywords: online food and beverage review system,Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, SQL server2005, B / S structure.


    摘要 i

    Abstract i

    目录 iii

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 选题背景目的和意义 1

    1.2 设计思想 1

    1.3 ASP.NET技术概要 2

    1.4 系统架构 3

    1.5 系统开发环境 3

    1.5.1 SQL Server 2005 数据库简介 3

    1.5.2 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 简介 4

    2 在线餐饮点评系统分析 5

    2.1 需求分析 5

    2.2 数据库需求分析 6

    2.3 可行性分析 7


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