    Android是Google于2007年11月05日宣布的基于Linux平台的开源移动操作系统的名称,该平台由操作系统、中间件、用户界面和应用软件组成。它采用软件堆层(Software Stack,又名软件叠层)的架构,主要分为三部分。底层以Linux内核工作为基础,  android系统效果图由C语言开发,只提供基本功能;中间层包括函数库Library和虚拟机Virtual Machine,由C++开发。最上层是各种应用软件,包括通话程序,短信程序等,应用软件则由各公司自行开发,以Java作为编写程序的一部分。不存在任何以往阻碍移动产业创新的专有权障碍,号称是首个为移动终端打造的真正开放和完整的移动软件。 Google通过与软、硬件开发商、设备制造商、电信运营商等其他有 关各方结成深层次的合作伙伴关系,希望借助建立标准化、开放式的移动电话软件平台,在移动产业内形成一个开放式的生态系统。8502
    Title    Game  software design and implementation of the                    
     Android platform    
    Mobile devices is becoming increasingly popular, and the upgrade of its hardware but also growing surge, along with the development of the network told, we have now entered a highly information-oriented era, the system platform of mobile devices has also become a business opportunity huge market. APPLE IOS, Google's Android, as well as Windows began to enter this market with unlimited potential, Nokia an independent scene in the past is gone, now the mobile phone platform into the era of contending warlords have carved out.
    Android is a Linux-based open source mobile operating system name, Google announced on November 5, 2007 The platform consists of the operating system, middleware, user interface and application software. It uses a software stack layer (Software Stack, also known as software stack) architecture, pided into three parts. The bottom to the work of Linux kernel, the android system renderings developed by C language provides only basic functionality; the middle layer, including the library Library and Virtual Machine, Virtual Machine, by the C + + developers. The top layer is the variety of applications, including the calling program, the SMS program, application software by the companies themselves to develop, as part of the programming in Java. There are no proprietary barriers, hinder the mobile industry innovation in the past claimed to be the first mobile terminal to create a truly open and complete mobile software. Google partnership with other software and hardware developers, equipment manufacturers, telecom operators and other relevant parties to form a deep-seated hope that with the establishment of standardized, open mobile phone software platform in the mobile industry to form an open type of ecosystem.
    In this paper, analyzed and discussed on the basis of the principle of the Android mobile phone software development technology, the application of a layered architecture model and object-oriented software development ideas on the analysis of the pivotal game systems, design and implementation process.
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