    摘 要:随着社会与科技的发展,智能手机一步步走进普通人的生活,它将成为人们获取信息的主要设备。而随着经济社会的高速发展,人们对出行的要求也不断提高,私家车成了必不可少的出行工具,那么拥有驾驶证也是非常重要的。根据驾驶证科目一的考试内容,设计了这一款练习软件,它可以帮助人们熟悉科目一的考试内容及方式,更好地更熟练的通过科目一。
    Abstract:With the development of society and technology ,the Mobile Phone enters into the live step by step,it will become the main device to obtain information.With the rapid development of social economy, people demand for travel is also constantly improve, private cars have become an essential travel tools, then have a driver's license is also very important.According to the subject of a driver's license exam content, I designed the a practice software, it can help people familiar with the subject of a test content and way, a better more skilled by subjects.
    This thesis mainly expounds the eclipse in object-oriented program for developing tools, design practice driving test system based on Android.This Android practice exam system using Android's own SQLite database, the main function of simulating test, the production of the paper, the basic function such as user management.System is beautiful and friendly interface, has some better scalability, ease of maintenance, safety, have the basic requirement of the general driving simulation test system, and increases the wrong topic auxiliary functions such as management and performance statistics.
    Keywords:Practice driving test,Android,SQLite
    目   录
    1 绪论    4
    2 Android的相关技术介绍及分析    5
    2.1 开发工具    6
    2.2 Android架构分析    8
    2.3 Android平台的5大优势    10
    3 系统分析    11
    3.1 研究目标    11
    3.2 需求分析    12
    3.3 性能分析    12
    4 系统详细设计    13
    4.1 开发环境搭建    13
    4.2 数据库设计    14
    4.3 用户界面设计    17
    4.4 程序模块设计    17
    5 系统具体实现    18
    5.1 android界面实现    18
    5.2 具体功能实现    21
    6 系统测试    31
    6.1 系统测试的目的    31
    6.2 系统测试与运行    32
    6.3 系统改进    32
    结  论    33
    参考文献    34
    致  谢    35
    1 绪论
    随着移动通信的发展以及互联网向移动终端的普及,网络和用户对移动终端的要求越来越高,而Symbian,Windows Mobile,iOS等手机平台过于封闭,不能很好的满足用户的需求,因此市场迫切需要一个开放性很强的平台[1]。
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