



    毕业论文关键字: Android;开源系统;音乐播放器;用户体验;多媒体应用


    Title       Design and development of the Android platform    music player                                            

    Abstract With the development of communication network and computer technology, mobile features and performance of the terminal users of mobile devices have higher requirements. Therefore in the mobile terminal developed a beautiful interface, convenient operation and powerful mobile phone application which has great market value and broad prospect.

    In this paper, the design of the music player using the Android open source system technology, the use of Java language and Eclipse development tools to achieve, do a detailed system demand analysis to the music player, functional requirements, detailed function flow chart and system function of the detailed design process was presented, and encountered in the process of development problems and solving method is discussed. The music player with the play, pause, a song, the next song, fast forward, rewind, volume control, lyrics display function, software interface is friendly, convenient for the user to operate. In the Android system can run independently, but also has the song play mode setting, the music file classification and collection of personal music etc..

    In this paper, based on the music player on the Android platform design and implementation of the introduction of user experience for the future development of highly mobile devices multimedia applications provide effective help.

    Keywords: Android  open source system  music player  user experience     multimedia applications

    目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1项目背景 1

    1.2选题的目的及意义 1

    2 Android项目介绍 3

    2.1 什么是Android 3

    2.1.1 Android简介 3

    2.1.2 Android的特性 4

    2.1.2 Android基本架构 4

    2.2 Android应用的基本组件 7

    2.3 Android项目 9

    2.4 Android工程程序结构 10

    2.5 AndroidManifest.XML文件 12

    3 系统需求分析 15

    3.1 功能需求分析

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