


    毕业论文关键词   物资管理 JSP Spring Hibernate mySQL


    Title  The information system of corporate material management

    Abstract The information system of corporate material management is used for managing the enterprise material information,improving the standard and quality of company services. The system mainly through the B/S mode to realize the management. This article started from the point of view both theoretical and practical to analyze the designning and realizing the information system of corporate materials management. The information system of corporate material management is used for managing the enterprise material information,improving the standard and quality of company services.The system mainly through the B/S mode to realize the management.This article started from the point of view both theoretical and practical to analyze the designning and realizing the information system of corporate materials management.The paper,first,detailed presented some concept and technique about Object oriented analysis and design, specially in the knowledge which used in this system,such as the flow of object oriented analysis and design,the characteristic of JSP,Spring,Hibernate and mySQL which used in the system.Second,anaylzed the feasibility of the system, and established a clear plan on the philosophy and objective of design and monolithic construction of the system.Finally,particular interpreted the designing and realizing of the main page and database of the system.

    Keywords  information system of corporate material management  JSP Spring Hibernate mySQL

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  企业物资管理信息系统的概念 1

    1.2  企业物资管理信息系统的分类 1

    1.3  企业物资管理信息系统的主要功能 1

    1.4  企业物资管理信息系统的优势 2

    1.5  企业物资管理信息系统对企业业务的促进 3

    1.6  论文结构 3

    2  系统相关技术 4

    2.1  JAVA EE 4

    2.2  JAVA语言 4

    2.3  Spring技术 5

    2.4  Hibernate技术 6

    2.5  数据库mySQL 6

    3  系统总体分析与设计 8

    3.1  数据库的设计 8

    3. 2  系统功能的设计 11

    3. 3  系统流程分析 12

    3.4  系统开发方案

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