


    毕业论文关键字  群决策  一致性  多属性群决策  空间向量

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title The index definition of difference solution                   

    Abstract Along with the social progress decision-making environment increasingly heavy and complicated, with expert groups to participate in group decision-making behavior, also is in group decision making is more and more frequently used in daily life.Group decision has the advantages.Because the expert background, experience, to explore the depth of problems and so on various aspects of the factors,experts offer inpidual do not completely agree in the process of group decision-making . However ,the final scheme selection requires a consistent solution.So how to deal with inconsistencies is particularly important.

    In this article, under the premise of group decision theory, we describes in detail a common solution index determination method - differences differences scheme based on concentration and similarity index determination method and put forward the differences scheme based on space vector index determination method.On the premise of the method, this article through the questionnaire data collection methods to verify the method for actual situation have practicability, ease of use.

    Keywords Group decision making; Consistency; Multiple attribute group decision-making;  Space vector


    第一章   绪论.1

    1.1  研究背景和意义1

    1.2  国内外研究现状1

    1.3  本文的研究思路和结构2

    第二章   群决策相关理论介绍..3

    2.1  群决策简介.3

       2.1.1  群决策研究概述.3

    2.2  多属性群决策..4

       2.2.1  多属性群决策概述..4

       2.2.2  多属性决群策一般过程.7

       2.2.3  多属性群决策一般方法简介8

    2.3  分歧方案指标界定及方法简介..10

    2.4  基于集中性和相似性的分歧方案指标界定方法11


    第三章  基于空间向量的分歧方案指标界定方法.16

         3.1  基本假设和定理.16

         3.2  成员相似性判定方法17

         3.3  算例分析.18

         3.4  计算机实现步骤.19

         3.5  实例分析.19

         3.6  总结..22


    第四章  总结和展望.24



    第1章 绪论

    1.1  研究背景和意义


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