


    毕业论文关键词  建模  仿真  模糊PID  参数整定


    Title  The modeling of temperature process in esterification    stage and the research of its control algorithms    

    Abstract The temperature object in the production process generally has the characteristics of large delay and large inertia,and it is usually accompanied with nonlinear.It is difficult to establish a precise mathematical model.So,it is not convenience to study the system.This thesis uses an enterprise’s esterification stage as its research object.Establish its model and study the control simulation to get the best control scheme which has good performance.

    This article is based on the understanding of the esterification process and the measured data of the reactor temperature.Establish the mathematical model of this process by using respond curve method.And use this model to study some control schemes of this system.Fist,create the simulation structure of the esterification process by using MATLAB software,and simulate PID control,fuzzy control and Fuzzy-PID control scheme.

    Keywords  Modeling  Simulation  Fuzzy-PID   Parameter turning

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  温度控制系统的研究现状 1

    1.3  论文主要研究内容及章节安排 2

    2  酯化釜温度过程建模 4

    2.1  系统建模方法 4

    2.2  响应曲线法 4

    2.3  酯化釜温度过程的建模与分析 5

    3  温度控制策略研究 9

    3.1  PID控制策略 9

    3.2  模糊控制策略 10

    3.3  模糊PID控制策略 14

    4  酯化釜温度控制系统的仿真研究 16

    4.1  仿真工具简介 16

    4.2  控制系统仿真研究 17

    4.3  控制系统方案选择 28

    结  论 29

    致  谢 30

    参考文献 31

    1  绪论

    1.1  课题研究背景及意义


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