
    摘要电话网、因特网、万维网等大型通信网络在当今社会生活中起着十分重要的作用。随着通信网络规模的日益增大以及用户数的快速增长,提高网络承载能力成为亟待解决的问题。本文在归纳和总结前人在网络拥塞和路由优化算法的研究基础上,对无标度网络上的路由算法进行了初步探讨。针对无标度网络中的拥塞问题,分别从全局路由、局部路由和动态路由三个方面分析和比较了目前主要的信息路由算法,针对最短路径算法容易引起网络拥塞的问题,提出了一种改进的路由算法。该算法有效的降低了网络中核心节点的负载,使得负载分布更均匀,从而有效提高了网络的承载能力。 64529

    毕业论文关键字:无标度网络 网络拥塞 路由算法 网络负载


    Title Research on routing algorithm optimization for  scale-free network 


    Nowadays telephone network, Internet, World Wide Web and some other large-scale communication networks play a very important role in human’s life. With the increase of communication networks’ size and number of network users, it becomes more and more urgent to improve the network capacity. Based on the summarization of some previous researches on network congestion and routing algorithms, this paper study the routing algorithms for scale-free networks. To deal with the congestion problems in scale-free networks, some main information routing algorithms are introduced in this paper including global routing, local routing and dynamical routing. Furthermore, a new routing algorithm is proposed to deal with the congestion problem which often exists in the shortest path protocols.  The new algorithm effectively reduces the load of the core nodes in the network, which results in a more balanced load distribution in the network. Moreover the proposed algorithm effectively improves the whole network capacity.

    Keywords  scale-free network     network congestion routing algorithm     network load

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 无标度网络信息传输研究进展 2

    1.3 论文开展的主要工作 4

    2 无标度网络拓扑的生成 5

    2.1 无标度网络及其特点 5

    2.2 无标度网络模型 6

    3 无标度网络路由的优化 9

    3.1 无标度网络路由算法现状 9

    3.2 路由算法设计 18

    3.3 路由仿真实验 24

    结  论 28

    致 谢 29

    参考文献 30

     1 绪论

    1.1 研究背景


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