

    毕业论文关键词  论文  机票预订  网站设计


    Title The Design and Implementation of the Flight Reservation Website

    Abstract The appearance of flight reservation online has already turned into the primary development trend in the present context that travelling by air is more and more widespread and shopping online has enjoyed popular support. In this context, The present paper focuses on the process of the analysis,design and improvement of a simple flight reservation website. It researches the historical context and development prospect of the flight reservation website primarily. After that, It analyses the essential functional requirement that mainly includes the login and register of users,the back-end flight ticket and reservation management of managers.Finally, It completes this website by designing the interface , front-end coding with VS and implementing the management,preserving of the data base with MSSQL. In the near future, the flight reservation website will turn into as widespread and indispensable as TAOBAO、RENREN and so on.

    Keywords  flight reservation   website design

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题的应用背景和发展前景 1

    1.2  课题研究的目的与意义 2

    2  技术介绍 4

    2.1  ASP.NET和VS2010 4

    2.2  SQL SERVER 2008 5

    3  需求分析 7

    3.1  功能需求分析 7

    3.2  性能需求分析 8

    4  概要设计 9

    4.1  功能结构设计 9

    4.2  网站流程分析 10

    4.3  系统环境 11

    4.4  数据库设计 11

    5  详细设计 15

    5.1  公共类编写 15

    5.2  登录模块设计与实现 16

    5.3  注册模块功能设计与实现 18

    5.4  用户个人模块功能设计与实现 19

    5.5  航班查询模块功能设计与实现 21

    5.6  机票预订模块功能设计与实现 22

    5.7  航班管理模块功能设计与实现 24

    5.8  订单管理模块功能设计与实现 26

    5.9  用户管理模块功能设计与实现

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