

    毕业论文关键字:中文分词  机械分词法  智能答疑 网络教学系统


    Title  Intelligent Network Teaching and Learning System—the Design and Development of Intelligent Answering subsystem 


    Chinese word segmentation is the basis of Chinese information processing. With the development of computer and network technology, Chinese word segmentation is becoming more and more widely applied. Chinese word segmentation algorithm is mainly in three categories: dictionary-based method, semantic-based method and statistic-based method. This research is based on the platform of the intelligent answering subsystem in the network teaching system. It analyzes the Chinese word segmentation technology applied in the intelligent answering module, and implements three dictionary-based methods: forward maximum matching method, backward maximum matching method and fewest words matching method in the system. It improves the original question-answering system and the accuracy of the answers to the questions. This paper describes the three segmentation method in detail, and indicates their implementations in the intelligent answering system. 

    Keywords: Chinese Word Segmentation   Mechanical Segmentation Method

    Network Teaching and Learning System    Intelligent answering


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 选题的背景和意义 1

    1.2 研究的目的和主要任务 2

    1.3 开发的语言和工具 2

    2 中文分词简介 6

    2.1 中文分词的概念 6

    2.2 分词中的难点 7

    2.3 分词算法 8

    2.4 中文分词的应用 14

    3 智能答疑子系统的总体设计 15

    3.1 系统概述 15

    3.2 系统工作原理 15

    3.3 系统功能模块设计 15

    3.4 系统数据库设计 16

    3.5 系统界面设计 19

    4 中文分词技术在智能答疑模块中的应用 23

    4.1 学生问题填写

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