

    毕业论文关键词:无线传感网络 ;无线传感节点;节点集成


    Title   A simple network nodes of the integrated design and experiment  

    Abstract The wireless sensor node is the basis hardware platform for establishing a Sensor Network.It’S a micro embedded—system with functions such as signal acquisition,data processing,and wireless communication.As sensor networks are usually deployed in nature environment,wireless nodes have to be low power consumption,small size and low cost,compared to the general embedded devices.Design and implement of wireless nodes,not only to provide laboratory researchers major in wireless sensor networks the related hardware test platform,can also be applied to specific projects in reality.This paper expounds the characteristics and basic principles of sensor nodes, and gives a simple wireless sensor network node integration design, including each module design is required for sensor node. Finally through the test of this thesis gives the result of experiment data network communication and sensor we system.

    Keywords: wireless sensor networks; wireless sensor nodes; node integration


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  传感器节点原理和特点 2

    1.2  无线网络体系结构 2

    1.3  无线传感网络技术发展历史 3

    1.4  应用领域 3

    2 无线传感网络节点研究 4

    2.1 总体架构设计 4

    2.2 具体模块设计 5

    2.2.4  系统集成设计 6

    3 传感器节点设计 6

    3.1 无线传感网络体系结构 6

    3.2 节点设计特点 7

    3.3 节点架构设计 7

    3.4 传感器模块设计 8

    3.5 处理器模块 8

    3.6 无线通信模块 10

    3.7 能量供应模块 11

    3.8 天线模块 11

    3.9 本章小结

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