


    毕业论文关键词  Android  Java  智能手机  语音识别


    Title  Speech recognition method based on the android system implementation  


    Speech recognition technology is widely used on mobile phones, our voice is the main way to communicate with others. In mobile phone applications, typically by hardware input manually, but for small mobile devices such as mobile phone, using a keyboard or a virtual keyboard typing is not convenient.    

    The function of speech recognition are strengthened in Android SDK version 1.5, and applied to the search business. It brought people convenience. Voice recognition software of this paper used the Android open source systems technology, used the Java language and Eclipse development tools to write player code. And it provided the detailed system designing process, interface screenshots, and the function of the main flow chart. The voice recognition software that can run independently in the Android system.     

    Keywords  Android , Java, Mobile Phone, voice recognition

    目   次

    第1章 绪论 1

    1.1 引言 1

    1.2 研究内容及目的 2

    第2章 语音识别技术介绍 3

    2.1 语音识别的概念 3

    2.2 语音识别技术的研究历史及现状 3

    2.3 语音识别技术的主要算法 4

    2.4 语音识别系统 5

    2.5 语音识别系统的基本数据库 6

    2.6 语音识别所面临的问题及展望 7

    第3章 Android系统中语音识别的方案 8

    3.1 Android系统的软件层次结构 8

    3.2 Android应用程序组件 10

    3.3 Intent介绍 11

    3.4 AndroidManifest.xml文件 11

    3.5 RecognizerIntent 类 14

    3.3 Android系统中语音识别的实现 15

    第4章 Android系统中语音识别软件的实现 16


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