    摘要:    当今社会,随着社会的发展和进步以及人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的私家车以及各种车辆出现在我们的生活当中,带给我们方便的同时,也给城市的交通管理和控制带来了极大的压力和挑战。因此世界各国都在大力发展智能交通系统,它发挥着巨大作用的同时也需要更好的发展。
    关键词:    车牌自动识别系统;字符分割;垂直投影
    Design and Implementation on License Plate Character Segmentation
    Abstract:      Nowadays, with the development and progress of society and the improvement of people's living standard, more and more private cars and a variety of vehicles appear in our life, brings us convenient at the same time, also to the traffic management and control of the city has brought great pressure and challenges. Intelligent transportation system will emerge as the times require, development and play an important role at the same time also need better.              Automatic license plate recognition system is an important part and research topics of intelligent traffic, which mainly included three parts: license plate location, license plate character segmentation and license plate character recognition.
    Through access to a large number of documents and data, this paper is realized by MATLAB, a license plate character segmentation algorithm based on vertical projection. First of all, on the pretreatment of license plate image: including image graying, median filter, and then according to the vertical edge detection to eliminate plate horizontal frame, then the license plate image value of two, the removal of dots, finally the image vertical projection to achieve character segmentation.
    All the algorithms proposed in this paper is the simulation is realized in MATLAB software. The experiment shows, the algorithm for uneven illumination, fog and vehicle license plate image with good segmentation results. The algorithm is completed, the interface graph partitioning algorithm so that the user can more intuitive and convenient to observe the image processing process and results of the design using GUI.
    Keywords:    License Plate Recognition System; Plate Character Segmentation; vertical projection
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题研究的目的和意义    2
    1.2    车牌字符分割技术国内外研究现状    3
    1.2.1    我国车牌特征    3
    1.2.2    车牌字符分割常见方法    3
    1.3    车牌字符分割技术的发展趋势    5
    1.4    本文的结构安排和主要工作    6
    2    图像处理与MATLAB简介    7
    2.1    MATLAB概述    7
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