




    Abstract:With the rapid development of computer and communication technology, human society has gradually entered the information society. The information and materials, energy as a social basic production material, plays an important role in human social production activities, greatly improve the social productive forces. At the same time, using and processing of information and data have also entered the automation, networking and social stage. Many kinds of mobile phone applications which meet the needs of people’s daily life are appeared like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. 

    In the current society, with the improvements of people's living standards and consumption level, the consumption financial ability is particularly important. But most of the time, we don’t know where is the using of our money? Only we record ourselves’ consumption or the consumption of our family whenever and wherever, can be good for a reasonable budget and financial planning.

    In addition, some people who want to have a good management concept, but without independent financial plans, can help to form a good habit. So as a kind of intelligent terminal software, develop a mobile phone billing software is very meaningful.

    Keywords: information, android software, account, consumption financial

      目   录

    1 引言 4

    1.1软件开发背景和现状 4

    2 开发技术 4

    2.1软件开发的关键技术 4

    2.2系统简介 5

    2.3应用程序 6

    2.4中介软件 6

    2.5硬件抽像层 6

    2.6编程语言 6

    2.7技术优势 6

    3 软件需求分析 7

    3.1需求分析 7

    3.2功能性需求 7

    3.3非功能性需求 8

    3.4可行性 8

    4 软件总体设计 8

    4.1系统设计 8

    4.2界面设计 9

    4.3数据库 14

    5 软件详细设计 16

    5.1用户注册登录 16


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